So what is this Coaching thing all about??
There are three types of coaches:
1) "Preferred Customer" You just want the awesome discount.
2) "Wait & See" You want to work on your transformation first & get the discount, and then think about sharing your results and helping others OR you want to do this as a hobby.
3) "All IN!" You are ready to build your business and start changing lives!
As you progress through your journey, your needs & goals will change too. You might want to have the discount, but over time you might want to dip your toes in and see what else this opportunity has to offer.
When I first started, I was the Preferred Customer. I just wanted the discount on my Shakeology. There was NO WAY I could be a coach. I was too shy! Seriously, my nickname in school was Mouse. Then as I saw results and others started noticing, I started to share about the products. People started coming to me and asking for help, and it felt amazing being able to help them!! Then they started to see results too and I knew that I wanted more of this feeling. THIS is what I was meant to do. I was actually helping people! And THEN my paychecks started to come in from Beachbody, and I couldn't get over that I was getting paid to share with people! That's just crazy talk! Since I've started, I've been able to pay off my truck, and my only outstanding debt is my mortgage! We have been able to go on family vacations to Disney World (twice), Vegas (three times), Arizona multiple times, a cruise PAID FOR by Team Beachbody, and next year we're going to Nashville AND a Disney Cruise!! That's just a few of the adventures we've been able to go on thanks to the Coaching Opportunity! Thanks to Team Beachbody, we have been able to make some incredible memories!
Remember, creating success is up to YOU! You are the difference between success and failure. I will be here every step of the way to guide you, but I can't do your workouts for you...I can't build your business for you. I'm here to help you, but it's up to you to make it happen!!
Check out this video for more info on this amazing opportunity:
If you would like to sign up NOW as a Coach, click here: JOIN MY TEAM
Still want more info? Every Tuesday night a friend of ours does a FREE webinar about the Coach Opportunity. If you'd like to join us, send me a message and I'll send you the info:
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