Friday, May 22, 2015

Shakeology: A Possible Migraine Relief?

Could Shakeology® help relieve migraines?

How often do you have to miss out on life because you have another migraine? I don't know about you, but I get so angry and frustrated just thinking about all the times I've had to miss out on things like playing with my daughter, spending time with my husband, hanging with friends and family, going on trips, and even ordinary things like being able to make dinner and going to work.

Did you know that it's estimated that 36 million people in America suffer from migraines?! That’s more than those who experience diabetes and asthma combined! I couldn't believe when I read that! I had no idea there are that many other people going through this too. How sad is that?? According to the Migraine Research Foundation, there are three times as many women (27 million, to be more exact) than men who suffer from these severe headaches and other associated symptoms.

When you’ve experienced any of the symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, auras, sensitivity to light and/or sounds, etc., I'm sure you're like me, and you would do ANYTHING to simply make it go away. My husband knows it's bad when I'm begging to go in to the ER for a shot or get an IV. I hate needles, but I just NEED the pain to be gone! I can't tell you how many different treatments I've tried between meds and home remedies. Medications and learning your headache triggers are often the only treatments available, and it's not always easy to pinpoint exactly what the trigger might be! It's a long, horrible process that you have to keep suffering through, and how many times does it turn out to be one of our favorite foods? I miss chocolate so much! That's just a whole new level of suffering! Suffering through them, however, and enduring the excruciating pain is the norm for many of us migraine victims. And when you're in that much pain and they come frequently, you can develop symptoms of depression. It affects your emotions, and you are frustrated, disappointed, angry, sad, scared, tired of hurting, exhausted, and a myraid of other feelings. You wonder if you'll ever feel good again. Heck, sometimes you forget what it feels like to NOT hurt. 

However, there might be hope! There are no clinical trials that indicate that Shakeology® will or won’t help reduce your migraine symptoms. However, there are a TON of Shakeology® drinkers who will testify to how their daily shake has helped them. I'm one of them!! Some don’t have to take medication any more. Others haven’t had a migraine in months. I have noticed a huge decrease in the frequency and severity of my migraines! I went from a couple per week down to about one per MONTH!! 

Check out these other testimonials:

“I’ve been taking Excedrin daily for years due to headaches and migraines. Since I started drinking Shakeology® daily five weeks ago, I rarely have ANY headaches. Geez…the money I’ve saved on medicine, alone, is worth it! Not to mention, I hardly have any cravings,” commented Josephine.
Lindsay says, “I used to get horrible migraines quite often. But, since I started using Shakeology®, they’ve greatly decreased.”

Amanda had a similar experience: “I have had chronic migraines my whole life, and I can totally agree that Shakeology® has helped me. I feel great and only get headaches when I drink too much, which is too be expected. LOL!”

Sarah agrees, too. She claimed, “My migraines have decreased significantly due to drinking Shakeology® daily. This is coming from someone who has tried EVERYTHING!”

Zoe is extremely thankful she switched to Shakeology® and a healthier lifestyle. She provides this testimony: “I suffered from migraines for years. I went through numerous exams, tests and different doctors. I was on Imitrex, Maxalt, you name it. Also to mention, I was on ADHD (Strattera) and anxiety medications. Living a healthier lifestyle + working out + changing my nutrition to whole foods (organic and natural) helped me a lot. Shakeology® also played a good part in it. I slowly weaned off the medications and have been medication free since January 2010 and use natural remedies if I do have bad migraine spells, which don’t happen as often as before. It has been pretty rare that I get migraines/headaches… I believe making positive changes help in all aspects in your life, body and well being.”

Trish Lynn shares:  “I have suffered with migraines since middle school and throughout the years I have tried many different prescriptions and none of them have worked. They have either made me severely sick or just didn’t work. Since I started Shakeology my migraines have completely gone away and I have even noticed that if I miss a shake its guaranteed that I will get a headache. It’s pretty much become like medicine to me and I am so thankful that this has come into my life.”

Brenda “Since starting Shakeology, I’ve only had to give myself 4 injections for my migraines, and taken very few other meds for them! I used to take just that in a week! AND, I finally feel good enough to start exercising again! Migraines and headaches are not as bad! However, if I skip a day of Shakeology, I usually get a mild headache towards evening. There is something in that shake that keeps the daily headaches away, and the migraines from occurring as often.”

Shakeology® fuels your body with the healthy vitamins and nutrients it needs to function properly. And, while health experts identify migraines as neurological disorders, the symptoms and the frequency may be reduced by drinking a daily dose of Shakeology®. The disorder can’t be cured, but you may be able to diminish the symptoms that rob you of your quality of life.

And, if it’s as easy as mixing up a shake a day and drinking it, I’m all in!  Order Here!

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