Monday, December 7, 2015

Cutting out the Toxic People

Some people can suck the happiness right out of you. People are toxic in different ways, and some of them have multiple traits. Here are just a few of the top offenders:
  • The Critic: Sure, constructive criticism can be a good thing, but some people feel the need to criticize everything/everyone around them. They choose not to be happy for others and cut others down instead. 
  • The Victim: These people are experts at blaming their problems on everyone/everything else. They will not take ownership for their own choices or mistakes. Nothing is ever their fault. Other people or their upbringing are to blame. 
  • Negative Nancy: These are the people who are always anxious, pessimistic, worried, and complain a lot. It's easy to get caught up in their rantings and be drawn into the negative spiral. There should be a vaccination for this one!
  • The Short Fuse: This is that person that goes into an instant outburst or worse, they are looking for a fight all the time. You're always walking on egg shells hoping you don't set them off.
  • The Guilt Trip: Some people lay on the guilt using it to manipulate you into doing something.

I've been through training from top motivational speakers, I read/listen to a lot of self improvement, and I know and follow a lot of successful people. One of the things they all insist on is eliminating toxic relationships. If someone is damaging you, it's time to take some protective measures. If someone was bullying, manipulating, or cutting down your child, would you allow it to continue? Of course not! Then why do you let others do that to YOU?! I know that many of us (me included) don't like confrontation, but when you cut out the toxic people from your life, a ginormous weight will be lifted! 

In some cases, it's really simple to cut out the toxic people. On Facebook, you can just unfriend or even block them! Did you realize that? It's YOUR wall. Make it a positive place to visit! Someone keeps making snide comments? Delete the comments! If it continues, block them! Bam!

In real life, it's not quite so easy. There are some people we have to deal with on a regular basis such as co-workers, family, etc. Set boundaries for what you'll accept and what you won't accept. If they step over the boundary, explain to them how you feel. Some people might not even realize they're being negative, using guilt trips, or even hurtful! Also, find ways that you can spend less time near that person.

Just the opposite: surround yourself with positive, inspirational people that lift you up and push you to be better! When you surround yourself with these people, your whole outlook on life changes, you feel like you can do anything, and you learn to follow your dreams! And when your life is filled with so much positive energy, it's easier to block out the negative.

And keep in mind, that by setting boundaries, learning to say no, cutting out the negative, and surrounding yourself with positive people, you are also teaching your children to do the same.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Putting the "die" in Diet.

We've been told through media and socially that cutting out the regular soda and replacing it with diet is the right thing to do. I know I did! But, you’d be wrong just as I learned the hard way. Here’s how diet soda makes you fat and causes damage to our bodies.
The soda/pop manufacturers want us to believe that simply by cutting calories, they’ve fixed the problem. But, the truth is that drinking diet soda is actually worse than drinking regular! 
Many studies have shown the following:
  • Artificial sweeteners are sweeter and more addictive than regular sugar causing diet soda drinkers to consume twice as much as regular soda drinkers. 
  • Diet sodas actually raised the risk of diabetes MORE than regular soda. Those who drank a 12 ounce diet soda increased their risk by about 33 percent. Yikes!
  • In other population studies, diet soda drinkers face a 200 percent increased risk of obesity. That's a huge percentage! 
So, how does diet soda make you fat?
  • Since the artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than regular sugar (hundreds to thousands of times more), we crave it even more. Been there. I swear I couldn't get enough! How many sodas do you go through per day? 
  • Your body can’t tell the difference between real sugar and the artifical crap, so it increases production of insulin and you get more belly fat. Woohoo! Isn't that what we all want?
  • Fake sugar confuses your body and causes your metabolism to slow down and you burn less calories. Wrong direction people! We want to create fat-burning machines!
  • It also makes you hungrier, but you won’t crave veggies…you’ll crave more sugar and starchy carbs. Things like pop & pizza seems to go hand in hand. Not so much with asparagus. 
On top of that, aspartame and sucralose (NutraSweet, Equal & Splenda) can cause some SERIOUS health problems! Unfortunately I learned this the hard way, and now I have chronic migraines. 

Why are acid reflux meds one of the fastest growing groups of meds in the US? Do you use them? Even if you don't, I bet you know at least one person that does!
Why is poor bone health so high in the US?
Check out this video. It explains how the "normal" American diet, including the highly consumed diet soda, is very acidic and what those high acidity levels are doing to our bodies and how they are causing us to deplete our calcium resources and slow our metabolisms.

Drink water and focus on eating whole foods, including fruits and veggies…and, SKIP THE SODA, diet or otherwise!

I know water can be boring. Especially when you've been drinking soda for so long! Here are a couple things you can do to give it a boost:
  • Slice of lemon or lime
  • Frozen fruit
  • Mint, basil, peppermint leaves
  • Sparkling water when you need that fizz! Just make sure you read the ingredients!
**Hydration tip: Most people aren't drinking enough water. Try to aim for 1/2 your body weight in ounces. For example: A person weighs 160lbs. 160/2 = 80 ounces of water per day. 
And, consider doing the Ultimate Reset, which not only helps create healthy new eating habits over 21 days, but also resets your body to optimal alkalinity, and can help you kick that nasty soda habit (among other bad habits) to the curb!