Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cash for Christmas

WANT TO EARN SOME $$ for Christmas??
I can’t believe its already holiday shopping time! I haven't even started yet! Eek! I love Christmas. I love giving presents and seeing people's faces light up! It's not always easy to figure out what people want or need, but it's fun! The hard part is having to budget. How amazing to be able to pay cash for everything and not rack up the credit cards!! Then I realized that EVERYONE would like to earn a little extra income for the holidays.
So, when I started coaching I wanted to help other people with their fitness and nutrition. I just wanted other people to feel the exact same way that I did: full of energy, more confident, happier, and ready to tackle the day! And being able to fit into 4 sizes smaller is awfully nice!! I love to help people get results, experience the awesome support of our challenge groups, teach them about nutrition and help them to be accountable. These groups are what helped get me results. I didn't want to get another gym membership that I wasn't going to use, but I still needed some support. Over time I also realized that helping people as a coach can really help provide financial security for my family so this year that means paying CASH for Christmas.
So I’m going to return the favor to you! I feel very confident that I have a system in place that could help you earn at least $250-500 towards your holiday this year! I want to help a select group of interested people earn extra income through Beachbody Coaching.
We will do this together as a team with my full support. I will be in charge of running the groups, you will invite people you know and I will teach you everything that I know! You don’t have to be a health and fitness expert, you just have to be willing to help others start their path to a healthy lifestyle by showing them you are living a healthy lifestyle too. You also have to be a product of the product which means that you do a Beachbody workout regularly and you drink Shakeology as one superfood meal per day. How can you teach other people if you don’t lead by example….RIGHT?? :)
I will be taking just 5 people for this so that I can give you 1:1 mentoring. I will teach you how to get started and exactly what to do!!!  Are you interested???  Are you a motivated, driven, and compassionate person?  If so then this would be a good fit for you!  The good thing is that Beachbody coaching is the gift that keeps on giving!  Long after the holidays are over you can continue to grow your business to whatever extent you see fit!  I will always be your mentor and sponsor to be here to support you.  Complete the application below and I will get in touch with you right away!

Apply to be a Beachbody Coach on my team